Can The New Havening Technique Really Cure Trauma and Fear?

Posted by Admin on 01-12-2022 10:07 AM

I tell all of my clients that they have an innate, intuitive healing wisdom. We are all highly evolved to heal trauma as a natural, biological process – it’s just that medical science focused so much on disease and treatments that it forgot to examine how the body can heal itself! the discovery of the molecular mechanism behind havening is a very recent breakthrough. provide So your intuitive, healing wisdom will govern the pace and direction of your healing journey, in a way that always keeps you safe. As a practitioner, i don’t do any healing because it a natural mechanism that already exists within you.

The havening technique havening is a gentle, effective, efficient and elegant technique for alleviating symptoms of anxiety, fear, panic, stress and trauma. Havening uses touch to increase delta wave activity in the brain. Delta waves are calming brain waves that are naturally produced when we’re relaxed or in a deep sleep. The havening touch causes a change in brain chemistry and permanently removes the emotion and nervous system response associated with a memory, craving or distressing thought. The havening techniques work by targeting the amygdala, the brain’s alarm, located in in the limbic system (the emotional part) of the brain.

The havening techniques work by targeting the amygdala, the brain’s alarm, located in in the limbic system (the emotional part) of the brain. Havening creates new and positive neural pathways, replacing the old fear-based ones. It changes the negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions and nervous system reactions to the traumatic memory. Havening is also known as amygdala depotentiation technique (adt). How it works: you very briefly brings up the upsetting event, either in their mind or by verbalizing it. Immediately after a firm, slow movement on their arms, palms and face (optional) is used to activate the calming delta waves. At the same time, we engage the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that is offline when we’re overwhelmed with emotion.

What is the Havening Technique?

For those who don’t know, i have a youtube channel. It focuses primarily on talks i’ve given or on videos that my students produce as assignments in my various courses. professional I’m very proud of the hard work my students have done, particularly in trying to get more evidence-based psychology onto youtube in the form of training videos and case studies. However, like much of youtube, the comment section can often be a wretched hive of scum and villainy. A recent comment on a video describing trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (tf-cbt) introduced me to a type of treatment i hadn’t ever heard of before: the havening technique (ht).

(ht) havening techniques®️ frequently asked questions better living through neuroscience "havening techniques engages our inherent biological system to permanently heal, strengthen and empower our minds and bodies. " ronald a. Ruden m. D. ,ph. D. The havening techniques (ht) have been developed by the ronald a. Ruden m. D. ,ph. D. And along with his brother steven j. Ruden, d. D. S. , icf/acc. (ht) are powerful tools that can be used to alleviate the consequences of traumatic or stressful events. Havening or delta techniques™ is a method which is designed to change the brain to de-traumatize the memory and remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body.

Havening techniques is based in neuroscience, however it works differently than the previously mentioned modalities. Unlike many techniques, once a person learns it they can provide it to themselves. Havening is a way of soothing that works to feel better after a stressful event or when dealing with a depressed or anxious mood. For an upsetting event that doesn’t seem to be getting better with time or by talking, writing, prayer, or other tools, havening techniques can help. Regarding trauma, if certain circumstances are in place traumatic encoding of negative events will occur in the brain—a type of linking or neuroassociations.

Become a Certified Practitioner

The application of havening touch®,  which creates delta brain waves can be applied by self touch (more popular now due to covid 19 & online sessions called self havening by many) or traditionally applied by myself (a certified havening techniques® practitioner), during the firing of neuro pathways linked to specific memories, events this activates chemical reactions from the old laid neuro pathway from our past, this in turn creates the necessary conditions in the brain for depotentiation to occur within a therapy setting (deleting the receptors so the pathway is not fired and connected) the result of removing the receptors means that stimulus received via our senses that would normally continue to trigger the upsetting emotions and physical response from a trauma based memory or event are cut.

Birth trauma and havening techniques®

the havening techniques™ is a method, which is designed to change the brain, to de-traumatize a memory and permanently remove its negative effects from both our psyche and body. As part of its protocol the havening technique uses the sensory input of human touch as a therapeutic tool which has been identified as havening touch®. Havening was developed by dr. Ronald ruden, a medical doctor and neuroscientist from new york. Having spent fourteen years researching successful treatments for post traumatic stress disorder, dr. Ruden was able to first develop, and now teach, this truly remarkable treatment. The process of havening is simple.

Havening was developed by dr ron ruden, md in collaboration with his brother, dr steve ruden, who are based in new york running private medical and dental practices respectively. Dr ron ruden has studied neuroscience for 20+ years and is a published author on trauma and addictions. A key focus for dr ron ruden has been on treating trauma and other amygdala-based issues and the result of his ground-breaking research and work is havening techniques. A set of simple and yet powerful techniques that are now being taught all over the world.

There are different techniques within havening, some of which work on a specific event, others are more generalised. Some involve recalling memories, others work with the physical feeling only, and some use distraction

techniques while the touch therapy is doing its job.